Thursday, August 5, 2010

Speaking in Public

I have had some calls for me to speak in public about "Wrinkles, Waistlines and Wet Pants." As I mentioned before, my first one will be for a group of stroke survivors. I am looking forward to that one. I believe that we all need to get perspective on our own lives by realizing what some people live with on a daily basis.So I will plan carefully for this particular group because I need to find out what they would find as funny. My sister, who is an emergency room nurse, will fill me in on what might appear to be funny to stroke victims.
Another group called today. I met them at the Senior Expo and they have a ladies' group that will be meeting for High Tea. Right away I confessed to Esther, my caller, that I am not really a High Tea kind of person, and pretty much devoid of social skills in hoity-toity situations. She assured me that I would be fine. She got to talk to me quite a bit at the Expo and said I will be perfect. "After all," she said. "It's High Tea but we get all the stuff from Publix." So that sounded a little better. So I have to create a decorative hat to wear which I will festoon with items that reflect my book, hmm, some tinker toys, some dietary information, a proctologist's rubber glove and a toilet. We'll see how this one goes.


Anonymous said...

great work I love you

Marti said...

Congratulations on getting a blog going! I will add you to my "Links" blogroll at enterthelaughter dot com

I am afraid if I put the actual link in here it will end up in your spam folder.

(I don't really blog at Blogger anymore, so I don't do links from there, but I did follow you through Google)

As you know from the humor writer's group, my husband had a stroke and I tell you what, they find just about anything funny *grin* We joke about his disability all the time (not that you'd want to make fun of strangers).

Just tell some stories from your book and you'll do great!

All the best to you!