Well, next week I go back for my week of teacher pre-planning. It is always a little crazy, running here and there, trying to be available for everyone that needs me. (I am a curriculum specialist). Then on Friday I have to take the tour to compliment everyone on their beautiful and welcoming classrooms. All their hard work has paid off and they are pumped.
So in anticipation of complete and utter exhaustion, George and I ran around and did last minute stuff. I wanted to finish decorating the master bedroom, you remember, the one that has one green wall and three peach walls. Well, I was sure that my color scheme would create the bedroom of the year. One of those hoity toity magazines would be knocking on my door to photograph it.
I had started out with a bright rainbow quilt that I picked up at a snazzy gay community garage sale. Supposedly the color scheme on it was meant for a gay couple, but I just liked the variety of colors. Once I got it home, I realized I would need a new bedskirt, sheets, pillows, the whole bit. So we spent the weekend shopping, my desire to bring out all the brilliant colors in the quilt. We ended up with a hodge-podge of color that does not really match anything but I like it. It's like having a bouquet of wild flowers, they don't match anything but are beautiful just as they are.
Good work. Not BH&G but looks good. And, you did all that the weekend before pre-planning. Wow!
Wny is it that the picture in my head always looks better?
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