Saturday, October 23, 2010


I know it has only been a few weeks but I am finding this daughter-in-law relationship pretty cool indeed. There's a lot of perks no one ever told me about. First of all, a new female friend which is awesome. The fact that she loves my son and lives with him and watches out for his welfare is of course the best. But I think my relationship has more perks than the usual.

First of all, I really love her. Like one of my own. She keeps in touch without me having to ask her to call. She lets me know how things are going. And although Cory is not the best communicator with family, it doesn't matter because she communicates through phone, texting, email, you name it.

She is so smart! She is my computer guru. When I need help on something (daily) she can tell me how to do it. She even can enter my computer screen and work the mouse for me while I put my feet on my desk for a brief nap. How cool is that? And she doesn't make fun of me for my lack of technical knowledge. She is working on my new website right now.

She has already asked me for a list of people who she and Cory should send Xmas cards to. They will probably keel over. He has never sent out cards, always depending on mine to say "Jeanne, George, and Cory!"

Cory and Ashlee have a special relationship that makes me so happy. Both of them light up when they're together. I have never seen him so happy. When your kids are happy, the mom is ecstatic.

Ashlee is someone I can be totally honest with. We are not afraid to tell each other what we like or don't like because there is a lot of trust between us. Except during Scrabble games.


Chris Krause said...

Jeanne - This makes me so happy. I feel like I raised her right. When I met Cory, it was so obvious that he loves my daughter. How could a mother ask for anything more?
Thanks so much,
Tammy (Ashlee's mom)

jkraus8464 said...

I absolutely believe you are right. She is a very special addition to our family. She adds energy and enthusiasm to our lives. I just can't wait to meet you also. And Chris!